Important News and Updates

May 13, 2024

24-25 Calendar

GPS Calendar

March 28, 2024

Bond Notice/Tombstone

We're thrilled to inform our community about the upcoming opportunity to invest directly in the future of Dawson County High School through the purchase of $8 million in General Obligation School Building Bonds. This document outlines the details of the bonds, set to enhance our educational facilities, and how you can participate in this pivotal moment for our district.

October 10, 2023

Please click on the following link to see the 23-24 LES Transition Plan.

23-24 LES Transition Plan

March 7, 2023

On March 6, 2023 the GUSB voted to cancel the General Fund Levy for the Glendive Elementary and Dawson High School Districts and to allow the budget to be increased to include pending legislative changes.

Resolution of Intent to Impose Increase in Funds

February 20, 2023

On February 20, 2023 the GUSB approved the 2023-24 school year calendar proposal.

GPS Calendar 23-24

December 13, 2022

On December 12, 2022, the GUSB asked for feedback for the final time before updating the Safe Return to Schools and Continuity of Services Plan and the ARP ESSER Plan. There were no additional feedback received. The plans were updated, approved, and posted on 12/13/22.

Board Agenda

GPS Safe Return to Schools and Continuity of Services Plan (Updated 12/13/22)

GPS ARP ESSER Plan (Update 12/13/22)

November 4, 2022



There are times when a decision needs to be made on shutting down buses or school. The following information is used to make those decisions. If you have any questions about these procedures, please contact the district office at 377-2555 or email us at


Infinite Campus and Apptegy are the programs we use to notify parents with regards to important information or emergency information. 

Information located at:

August 26, 2022

Check out our new Action Plan for the 22-23 school year.

GPS 22-23 Action Plan

Action Plan 2022-2023

February 27, 2022

“Effective February 25, 2022, CDC does not require wearing of masks on buses or vans operated by public or private school systems, including early care and education/child care programs.” - 

What does this mean for GPS: This decision means that the order which was requiring GPS to have students and staff wear face coverings on our buses, no longer applies.  The GUSB (Glendive Unified School Board) now retains the authority to decide about masks through its policies and decisions as there is no other law or mandate that governs this area.  

Policy 1905 describes how face coverings will be handled on all GPS property (which includes buses).  Here is the language: 

"Staff, students, and visitors may wear a face covering, mask, or face shield while present in any school building. The School District does not require the use of masks and will continue to provide masks to all employees, students, and visitors who may still require a face covering due to health or personal reasons. The board will take into consideration any recommendations from Dawson County Health and/or the requirements of MHSA.

Allegations of harassment of any person wearing or not wearing a face covering, mask or face shield shall be promptly investigated in accordance with District policy. A student, staff member, or visitor who, after an investigation, is found to have engaged in behavior that violates District policy is subject to redirection or discipline."

If you have any questions, please reach out to your student’s school  Thank you!

School Numbers and emails

December 14, 2021

On December 13, 2021, the GUSB updated and asked for feedback on the Safe Return to Schools and Continuity of Services Plan and the ARP ESSER Plan. The plans were updated and posted on 12/14/21

Board Agenda

GPS Safe Return to Schools and Continuity of Services Plan (Updated 12/14/21)

GPS ARP ESSER Plan (Update 12/14/21)

August 11, 2021

Glendive Public Schools is excited for the 21-22 school year to start.  The 21-22 District Plan (see link below) contains important information about the upcoming school year.  If you have any questions, please reach out to our building administrators.  You can find their contact information within this plan or the GPS Communication Document.  

As we know, things will continually change throughout the school year.  The best way to keep up-to-date is our district app, district/school websites, and to monitor your emails.  For more information, please refer to the GPS Communication document link below.  

Excited to see you next week!

21-22 District Plan

GPS Communication Document

August 6, 2021

The 21-22 school year is ready to begin.   Calendar information for the upcoming 21-22 school year can be found at the link below.  If you click on the link below you will find a document that provides you with start and end times for each of the schools as well as information regarding Friday school, school lunches, busing and other important information. 

Communication is a vital part of knowing what is going on within the District.  We strongly encourage you to download the app as well as utilize any of the other available options for obtaining information (Infinite Campus, Email, Website, etc.).  These resources will help keep you informed of everything that is going on in the District.  The link below will take you to a document that includes the many ways GPS will get information to the community.

We look forward to an amazing school year and as always, if you have any questions please feel free to reach out to one of the buildings as well as the District office.  We are always here to help in any way we can.

21-22 Calendar Information

GPS Communication

June 16, 2021

April 15, 2021

Ballots will be mailed out today for the May 4, 2021 Election.   Below is a Flyer for the High School and Elementary General Fund Levies. 


#Vote #BeInformed

Levy Flyer 2021

April 2, 2021

Hello everyone,

We were asked by the Health Department to remind everyone to be diligent with cleaning. There is now community spread with the Norovirus. Also, please remind your students to not share their electronics to also help mitigate spread. Thank you for your help with making our schools and community safe!

Have a great Easter weekend!

April 1, 2021

Lincoln Elementary

Dear Parents and Guardians, April 1, 2021

Due to a growing concern for student safety, and an increase in near miss accidents, Lincoln Elementary School is making changes to the Student Drop Off and Pick Up process. BeginningTuesday, April 6th Lincoln school will be implementing a plan to create a safer pick up and drop off system for our students. We identified several ways to improve the system to ensure students are not crossing in front of traffic and the buses are not turning into the student pick up area. StartingTuesday, April 6 buses will now pick up and drop off students on Power Street, by the gym. Parents and guardians we ask that you please come up Valentine and drop off your students. Valentine and Taylor will be reserved for student pick up and drop off only. We would appreciate it if you would drop your student off on the passenger side of your vehicle so that they do not have to step into the street. Please do not drop off in the front of the school building before 8:00 am. If you do need to drop off after 8:00 am please come up S. Nowlan Street so that the passenger side of the vehicle is at the curb. We are concerned about students getting out of their vehicle in the middle of the street and crossing in front of oncoming vehicles. This information, including maps and directions, will be posted on the GPS District website as well as the Lincoln School website. We will have staff on duty Tuesday if you have any questions about this new system. Safety is our number one concern and we believe this system will provide a safer way to drop off and pick up our students.

***Note: We will have new stop signs in place on Tuesday Please pay attention to the change in signs, as well as the new traffic pattern.

Thank you,

LES Traffic Control Plan

Enjoy your weekend,

Cindie Togni

Principal Lincoln Elementary School

March 29, 2021

Did you know?

This year has been rough on everyone. "Normal" is not a word that describes much that is happening in our schools despite tireless efforts. However, we have continued to slowly, safely, lift the restrictions in our schools. Below you will find new updates on how GPS is taking action to continue moving forward. As we are able to collect more data, we will continue to lift restrictions in an effort to return to more typical days for our students/staff and reduce quarantines, while still being mindful to minimize the spread of the virus.


The CDC has changed its guidelines on social distancing for students. Instead of 6 feet, they are allowing 3 ft. While looking at our data with quarantines, we have decided to use this guidance for quarantines as well. We are excited as this will reduce the number of students being quarantined when there is an active case in our schools! Please note: if your student does get quarantined, they will receive the same amount of time to make up any work that was given in class during their quarantine (just as any other medical-related illness).


The Health Department has agreed to allow us to change how we do recess. To keep the spread and number of quarantines to a minimum, recess has been restricted to students just playing with their classmates. Starting on Monday, March 29th, Jefferson and Lincoln will start lifting recess guidelines so that students can start playing with another class! We are excited to be able to gradually lift these restrictions while still being cautious in preventing more students from being quarantined if there is someone who is identified as having COVID-19.


It has now been agreed upon that the new policy change for extracurricular activities that was adopted at the last board meeting will be in effect moving forward. The primary change states that visitors coming to our extracurricular activities "may" wear a mask when attending an activity outside of the school instructional day

FEBRUARY 26, 2021

Dear GPSParents,

We're excited to announce the new Social & Emotional Learning Hub on This growing library contains helpful videos, games, community mental health resources, and activities.

It also gives you free access to parent versions of the curriculum, used at GPS.

 Visit the SEL Resource Hub

Please take a moment, this weekend, to review this ACT NOW Card with your student. This reminds us to ACT (Acknowledge, Care, and Tell) if someone is struggling with thoughts of ending their life. This year has been tough for all of us.
Let's continue to check-in on one another We are truly stronger together. Additional suicide prevention resources can be found here.

Have a great weekend,
The GPS Staff

P.S. You can access the Social & Emotional Learning Hub anytime. From theschool district website (, select Menu -- Parents & Students -- Social & Emotional Resources.

NOVEMBER 24, 2020

On Monday, November 30, 2020, Glendive Public Schools will be moving to the restricted model for all grades 1-12, which means students will be attending school onsite Monday through Thursday. Kindergarten will remain in the A/B Hybrid model at this time. Our staff is excited to see all of our students back in the buildings. As this is a change for everyone, we would like to highlight a couple of things to make this a successful transition.

  • Face coverings- Face Coverings will be required to be worn all day in all areas on campus (Hallways, Classrooms, Bus, School Events, etc.). GPS will be providing 2 more cloth masks per student.

  • New Bus Schedule (Starting Nov 30th) - Please click on the link to be taken to the new GPS Bus Routes for the Restricted model. Please note all changes to your bus route. Also, as a reminder: GPS busing is only for students who have been using the buses in the Hybrid model. If you would like your student to ride the bus, you will need to contact Mr. Phipps at the bus barn (377-4055) to assure that there is a seat available.

  • Release Times - Please note that JES release time has changed and is the ONLY school with a new release time.

    • JES - 2:30

    • LES - 3:00

    • WMS - 2:46

    • DCHS - 2:46

  • Drop-off Times - We ask that parents do not drop their students off before 7:50 at each of the schools.

  • GPS Restricted Checklist - Please click on the link to be taken to the GPS Restricted Checklist that has more information about the move to the Restricted model.

If you have any questions, please contact your child’s building administrator. Thank you!

NOVEMBER 10, 2020

At the GUSB board meeting last night (11/9/20), a goal date of November 30, 2020 was set for Glendive Public Schools to move into the Restricted Model for grades 1-12. Students will be on campus Monday through Thursday for grades 1-12. Students in Kindergarten will remain in the Hybrid Model at this time. The attached Checklist includes the items that Glendive Public Schools has to address and ways you can help make this a smooth transition. If you have any questions, please contact your student’s building administrator.

GPS Restricted Check

NOVEMBER 6, 2020

Earlier this week, staff, parents, and the community were notified about the new protocols of Glendive Public Schools in regards to meetings (See below to view that message).

Monday, November 9, 2020 we will be conducting our regularly scheduled board meeting virtually. The following are some of the reasons the board decided to move the meeting to a virtual platform:

  • More people will be able to participate

    • With current restrictions, we will no longer have to worry about possibly limiting the number of people who can attend.

    • We have been contacted by many people asking for our meetings to be live streamed. We are now able to stream our meeting without the use of Facebook as not everyone has a Facebook account.

    • More people will get the opportunity to address the board through public comment. If you are interested in giving public comment at our next meeting, please see the directions below.

  • Consistency

    • The board meeting will now be in line with what the school district is doing in terms of meetings

  • Safety

    • Moving the meeting to a virtual meeting will help mitigate the spread of the virus and reduce the risk of staff, parents and community members being named as a close contacts.

Directions for giving a Virtual Public Comment:

If you wish to publicly comment on the agenda, please click on the following link. This link will be open from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Monday, November 9, 2020. All appropriate comments will be read during the public comment section of the agenda. If you have questions, we ask that you write an email to and someone will try and get back to you within 48 hours.

Directions for watching the live-stream of the board meeting:

Please go to on the day of the meeting and follow the directions on the popup window to watch it live. After the meeting, the recording will be put on the website within 24 hours of the meeting.

NOVEMBER 6, 2020

Please watch the following video (3:33) from Mr. Schreibeis about the dire need for staffing.

NOVEMBER 4, 2020


GPS is dedicated to promoting behaviors that reduce COVID-19’s spread in order to maintain healthy operations of our schools. Social distancing requirements and protecting our staff against becoming ill as well as being named as a close contact are making traditional in-person meetings challenging to nearly impossible. In order to maintain in-person schooling at GPS, we must be able to staff all positions. Not having enough subs has made it very difficult to fill positions when staff gets sick or are named as close contacts. We are committed to doing everything we can to ensure that we are able to continue to have in-person learning and not be forced online. In order to maintain educational continuity and a safe school environment, GPS will adhere to the following protocols when holding meetings:

  1. Meetings in the schools will be held virtually whenever possible. If a meeting needs to take place in person, the room needs to be big enough so there is at least 6-feet between each person. In addition, the meeting must last less than one hour. If the meeting is going to last more than one hour, it must be moved online.

  2. The following will pertain to school-related weekday meetings held off school grounds: First, staff members should determine if they can join the meeting virtually. If they must attend in person, there must be at least 6-feet between participants. If the meeting organizer is unable to accommodate either an online option or maintain adequate social distancing, the district employee is not allowed to attend the meeting. Our goal is to reduce the risk of GPS staff becoming quarantined as a result of attending a meeting with a potentially infected attendee.

Following these procedures will help GPS protect staff and keep them healthy so we can continue to have students on-site. As you can see, we are implementing procedures to help mitigate the spread of the virus and reduce the risk of staff being named as a close contact. If we are unable to staff our buildings, we will be forced to go online. These procedures will be followed if we are in the Hybrid or Restricted model. This is especially important given the District’s small pool of available substitutes.

We appreciate the community’s patience, understanding, and GRACE during these challenging times. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any of our administrators or you can reach out to us at

OCTOBER 29, 2020

To clarify, there has been no date set to move to the Restricted Model. On October 12, 2020, the board tasked the administration to prepare to move to the Restricted Model. A checklist of the items needed for the District to move was created. GPS Restricted Checklist

On November 9th, the administration will be presenting this checklist to the GUSB. Currently, one of the major obstacles for moving to the Restricted Model is staffing. We are in dire need of substitutes. In order for GPS to move to the Restricted Model, the District must have sufficient substitutes to cover the open paraprofessional and custodial openings as well as subs for staff that have to be absent for a variety of reasons. Please, consider applying and encouraging others in our community to apply. Process for Applying for Sub

Respectfully yours in education, 

The GPS Administration and Glendive Unified School Board (GUSB)

OCTOBER, 26, 2020

Thank you to those of you who have already reached out to your respective principals if you would like to change your child's current learning model (online to in-person or in-person to online). If you are planning to make a change, please contact your student’s principal as soon as possible. As a reminder, the change will take place at quarter for K-8 and at semester for 9-12.

For Clarification:

  • If your child is currently online only, and you would like to switch to in person learning, we need notification (K-8).

  • If your child is currently in-person, and you want to switch to online only, we need notification (K-8).

  • If your student is currently in-person and you want to stay in-person, no action is necessary.

  • If your student is currently online only and you want to stay online, no action is necessary.

Please note:

A date to return to the restricted model has not yet been determined. We are continuing to work on completing the items on the checklist that was shared last week. We will announce a date as soon as it is determined so that everyone has time to prepare and plan for the change.

Thank you!

OCTOBER, 26, 2020

Please check out the GPS Active COVID Cases sheet (link below) to see all updates on active cases and quarantines in the schools. Things have been changing quickly and this is the best way to see our active numbers. If you have any questions, please contact us at

GPS Active COVID Cases

OCTOBER, 26, 2020

Glendive Public Schools wants to be sure that the public stays informed on important issues pertaining to our school districts. Please refer to the Timeline Reports regarding the Washington Middle School and Lincoln Elementary School boiler issues that resulted in moving to online instruction on October 19th and 20th, 2020.

Please click on the link below for each report:
Lincoln Boiler Issue Report - 10/23/20
Washington Boiler Issue Report - 10/23/20

Also, please check back to our new Facilities Page on the Glendive Public Schools website for important facilities information in the future!
GPS Facilities Page

Thank you!

OCTOBER 23, 2020

The GUSB has tasked the GPS administrators to actively pursue moving to the Restricted Model. As a reminder, the Restricted model is all students onsite M-Th. Since social distancing will not be able to be maintained, face coverings will be mandatory and need to be worn all day.

GPS admin have been working diligently for weeks to make the necessary changes and arrangements to make the switch from the Hybrid model to the Restricted model. The following link is a checklist which summarizes the items that will help GPS make this shift successful. You will notice that some of these items are still in progress. We understand that there are a lot of people that want this shift to happen; please look at each section to see what you can do to help. One example is to help GPS by becoming a substitute. Another example would be letting your respective principal know if your student will be changing from online to in-person or vice versa as soon as possible as explained in the previously released message (K-8 can make a switch at quarter, 9-12 can make the switch at semester) to allow us to finalize certain plans.

Please note that more information will come out about this in the coming weeks.

GPS Restricted Checklist

OCTOBER 23, 2020

Updated Calendar:

We made a change to the calendar as we noticed that Parent-Teacher Conferences fell on election day. Parent-Teacher conferences will now be on November 5th. We will also be moving the early out from the 3rd to the 5th along with the conferences. We are sorry for the inconvenience. This year we will be having the conferences virtually and more information will be coming out later on that once we get closer.

GPS Calendar

OCTOBER 23, 2020


At the last school board meeting, the board directed the GPS administration to move to the restricted model where students will attend 4 days a week M-Th onsite wearing masks all day (once everything is able to be put into place). In preparation for this move, we felt it appropriate to allow elementary-age students (K-8th) to shift back onsite or move online at the start of the 2nd quarter if it was agreed that it is in the student's best interest. This request is only for students K-8. High School students would be allowed to make the switch to or from online at the end of the semester.

We are asking that you notify the building principal of the school your child attends if you would like us to consider moving your student from online learning back onsite or vice versa. We are asking for this contact to be made by Wednesday, October 28th so we have accurate numbers to plan for. The first day of the 2nd quarter is November 2nd. Please contact the individual school principals if you have any further questions.

Please note that a date to move back to the Restricted model has not been finalized, but more information about that will be coming out soon.

John Larsen (interim principal)

Jefferson Elementary School


Cindie Togni

Lincoln Elementary School


Mark Goyette

Washington Middle School


SEPTEMBER 23, 2020


The Glendive Unified School Board (GUSB) is pleased to announce Glendive Public Schools has been approved for the nationwide USDA Extended Summer Food Service Program Waiver to serve breakfast and lunches at no cost to all students enrolled in the Glendive Public Schools grades K-12, regardless of Free/Reduced or Paid status. The waiver is valid through December 31, 2020. The cost of student meals will return to normal on January 1, 2021.

SEPTEMBER 16, 2020



The Glendive Public Schools nurses wish to advise parents that COVID-19 testing will NOT be a part of your student's routine screenings. As always, please call with any questions or concerns. We are looking forward to a safe and healthy school year!

AUGUST 29, 2020


Beginning Monday, August 31, Glendive Public Schools will offer breakfast and lunch meals for children to take home for their offsite days. A meal count will be taken in each homeroom/1st period, first thing each morning. On Monday and Tuesday, children may sign up for an onsite lunch for that current day and for a breakfast and/or lunch meal to take home for the following day.

On Wednesdays, “A day” students may request meals for Thursday and Friday breakfasts and/or lunches during meal count. Thursdays “B day” students may request meals for Friday and Monday breakfasts and/or lunches during meal count. A staff member will be in a designated area to distribute the requested meals as students leave school each afternoon.

Please do not hesitate to contact Food Service Director, Anne Sadorf at 377-2555 if you need assistance or have any questions.

AUGUST 27, 2020

Please click on the following link to see the GPS Active COVID cases.  Please check back frequently as we will update frequently.  

GPS Active COVID cases

AUGUST 26, 2020

We are so excited to have students in our buildings again. Below is some information that might help you out for this first week.


Please remember that students/staff will be required to wear face coverings on school property at all times except for the following circumstances: where social distancing can be maintained, at recess if the groups/cohorts are less than 50 students, consuming food and drink, and while engaging in physical activity.

This applies even if we drop below 4 active cases in Dawson County. Our plans were in place before Glendive had enough cases for the Governor's order to go into effect based on guidance from our Health Department and the CDC recommendations.


If you have opted out of Face-to-Face instruction you should be getting information from each school on when your student will start. If you still haven't seen anything, please call the school that your child goes to for more information.


With this being the first week of school, we will not be doing the offsite days. We want to make sure that we have everything set up. Next week, we will be starting the offsite days with all students. Your student's teachers will be sending work home or in their online platform for the students to complete.


Each school is set up a little differently with how recess will work this year. Each school is trying to set up times for students to be outside without their masks. The general rule is that students can be outside without their masks if they are grouped with fewer than 50 students and they are outside for less than 15 minutes. There will be times where this is not possible (i.e. mornings when all students come to school on the playground). Please know we will continue to try and create opportunities for students to be able to take off their face coverings. Please help us by encouraging your students to follow these procedures so that we can continue to try and offer these opportunities and keep our schools healthy.


This week we will be offering Breakfast and Lunch for onsite students only. Next week, we will start offering the opportunity for students to also request Breakfast and Lunch on their offsite days. Please watch out for more information coming out this week about how the offsite process will work along with the process for students that are online.

AUGUST 25, 2020

The following is guidance and protocols developed by the Dawson County Health Department to help mitigate the risk of COVID-19 spread at Glendive Public Schools. Please check out the following link. We will also be sending out a Frequently Asked Questions sheet developed by the Health Department in the next couple of days.

Health Department Protocols with COVID-19

AUGUST 25, 2020


RE: GPS will NOT be charging the Tech Fee for 20-21 school year

Thank you for your patience as we travel to new waters for Glendive Public Schools. Recently it was announced that parents were going to need to pay a $30 rental fee for the Chromebooks and Ipads that the students will be receiving this year. After last spring, we heard from many parents and staff members that the online learning was difficult for many reasons. Some of those reasons had to do with not having the proper devices, not being able to keep their student on task, not being able to control what their student was doing, etc. We heard loud and clear and were able to purchase Chromebooks for all students grades 3-12 and IPads for students grades PK-2. Not only were we able to get a device for every student, but we also wanted to make sure that they meet all student privacy requirements and applicable technology laws. In addition, we wanted to make sure that we were able to control all aspects of the device at school or at home for their offsite days.

We have received many emails and have talked to many parents over the last week about the rental fee. We will NOT be charging this fee this year as we agree that it was announced too late. If you have already paid the fee, the school will be contacting you to give your money back. We understand that grants were used to purchase this equipment. The school district will need to find a way to help make this sustainable moving forward. There will still be a device checkout sheet that will need to be signed so parents are aware of the process for checking out the device. If you have any questions about this, please contact your student’s building administrator.

We are really looking forward to having students start back in the schools tomorrow. Again, thank you for your patience and grace throughout this difficult time.

AUGUST 21, 2020

Governor's Clarification

AUGUST 18, 2020

Info on Transportation:

With the A/B Hybrid Schedule, Glendive Public Schools will have busing available for all students that need it! Busing will be available starting the first day of school. Here is the new bus schedule for the 20-21 school year.

GPS Bus Schedule

AUGUST 18, 2020

Thank you for your patience and grace in this difficult time. We have been working on a document to get out to our staff, parents, and community. Below you will find a link to the GPS Reopening Plan 20-21. This is not intended to be an all encompassing document, but a resource that you can go to for some information about reopening our schools for the 20-21 school year. Please also check out our website where you can find additional information and who to contact if you have questions or concerns.

AUGUST 18, 2020

This year we will have different schedules to accommodate all the changes that need to be made. Below you will find the start and end times for each school. Please note that these can be changed as new information arises before the first day of school.

Students will not be allowed to be onsite at the school before 7:45 a.m.


Start Time

End Time


8:00 a.m.

3:20 p.m.


8:00 a.m.

3:05 p.m.


8:00 a.m.

2:46 p.m.


8:00 a.m.

2:46 p.m.

Thank you for your patience with this. There have been so many changes and we could not finalize these times until we had everything set.

Please check out our Frequently Asked Questions Sheet for more information:

AUGUST 14, 2020

Reopening Updated

PDF Version:

AUGUST 12, 2020

We have a new approved calendar for 20-21! Please note that the first day of school for "A" students is on Wednesday, August 26th and Thursday, August 27th for "B" students. We are working hard on class lists and schedules so that we can get those out soon. Thank you for your patience!

Calendar PDF:

AUGUST 11, 2020

Please check out our Frequently Asked Questions page about the reopening of our schools.  It will be updated frequently.

GPS Reopening 20-21 Frequently Asked Questions

AUGUST 10, 2020

Kindergarten registration is now open for the 2020-2021 school year. In order to be eligible for kindergarten, your child must be 5 by September 10, 2020. If your child fits this criteria, please click on the following link to register electronically. This is our first time registering online, but we are giving it a go!

AUGUST 7, 2020

GPS is working on getting the A and B student groups finalized for each school. If your child’s last name starts with an A-K they will be in the A Group that will attend onsite Monday and Wednesday of each week. If your child’s last name starts with an L-Z they will be in the B Group that attends onsite Tuesday and Thursday. We know issues may arise with this split because of things like families with different last names, childcare, work schedules, etc. If this is the case for your child/family, please take the following survey with as much detail as possible. We will do our absolute best to accommodate everyone’s request but will also have to make sure the groups are evenly distributed to allow for social distancing and an optimal learning environment. Priority will be given to make sure that children in the same household will stay on the same schedule.

Class Lists will not be released until this information has been collected, reviewed, and staff able to make adjustments.

This survey is due at the end of the day on August 10th.


Survey Link:

AUGUST 7, 2020

Glendive Public Schools is requesting that any parent or guardian that would like to opt their child out of face-to-face instruction for the start of the 2020-2021 school year, complete the form that can be found at the link below. Parents will be allowed to choose this option through Tuesday, August 11, 2020. Each school needs time to prepare and plan for staffing needs for both online and face-to-face instruction. Completing this opt out agreement is necessary and very important. If you have any questions about this, please contact the building administrator of the school your child will be attending.

The Glendive Unified School Board has determined that students who opt out of face-to-face instruction will still be allowed to participate in sports and activities. Please note that this is only for people that are registered with Glendive Public Schools. All rules, procedures, and eligibility requirements must be followed to participate.

Opt out Form:

AUGUST 6, 2020

We would like to take a minute to briefly explain the difference between online learning and offsite learning to hopefully clear up any confusion between the two.

Online Learning

This would only take place in the event that the government shuts down the school, if students/teachers have been quarantined, or if a student has chosen to be an on-line student. In these cases, we would have students use their provided device and connect with their teachers remotely. This would include but would not be limited to online independent assignments, Google Meet/Zoom meetings, interactive lessons, and would have teacher directed lessons.

Offsite Learning (Restricted or Hybrid A/B model)

This would be supplemental work for the hybrid format in order to meet requirements. During the hybrid schedule, this supplemental learning would take place in conjunction with classroom instruction. Students who attend school would be given additional “at home” activities to be completed outside the classroom along with a provided device.

Examples of this offsite learning could be: reading, summarizing an article, math practice, spelling practice, little readers, projects, reading a novel, writing practice, review problems, journaling, review questions, etc. This could also include activities to promote social/emotional development such as: family dinner time, reading to a sibling, taking a walk, riding a bike, hiking in the park, swimming, preparing a meal together, etc.

Our goal at GPS is to provide an excellent education to our students while keeping the health of our students and staff at the forefront.

AUGUST 4, 2020

On August 3, 2020, the board convened a meeting to discuss the framework for re-opening schools. The school administration team was tasked by the board to develop and present a re-opening framework. Board discussion and public comment was heard.

After public comment and discussion, the board motioned and approved the reopening framework and to start the 2020-2021 school year with the A/B Hybrid/Blended model for grades 3 through 12 by a vote of 5 to 2. The board tasked the administration to develop criteria for when each level of the framework would be implemented.

The board directed the administration team and GEA to work together to develop a K through 2 reopening plan to be presented to the board. Direction to develop a commitment form for families to choose the online option for students was given. This will be developed and sent out to families in the GPS district.

There was discussion whether students that enroll in the online option would be able to participate in extracurricular activities. This was tabled and no determination was made. The board will address this issue at the next board meeting.

Discussion on pushing back the start date of school occurred with no final resolution.

The board recessed the special board meeting and will reconvene after further information has been gathered. The next regular scheduled board meeting is scheduled for August 10, 2020 at 7:00 PM in the DCHS auditorium.

GPS Reopening Guidance (Options):

GPS Reopening Framework

GPS Reopening Framework

JULY 30, 2020

On July 29, 2020, the board convened a meeting to discuss the recommendations from the Emergency Operation Team committee for re-opening schools. The EOP committee was tasked by the board to develop a hybrid framework. The link below shows the recommendation presented to the board. Board discussion and public comment was heard.

After public comment and discussion, the board requested more information that will be presented at the recessed special board meeting on Monday, August 3, 2020 at 4 pm in the DCHS auditorium. Discussion on pushing back the start date of school occurred with no final resolution. The board also gave direction to explore the possibility of an online option for students that are choosing not to return onsite this fall. A final decision about what the start of school will look like was not made.

GPS Emergency Operation Team - Recommendations to the GUSB

JULY 22, 2020

GPS Families and Staff,

Last night, the Glendive Unified School Board voted to support the blended/hybrid model of reopening schools. This model, which was proposed as one of the three options by GPS administration, is a combination of on campus and online instruction. The primary goal is to have kids in our buildings as much as possible. We are scheduling a meeting with key stakeholders to work out the details of that blended/hybrid model taking into consideration CDC, state, and local health department safety guidelines, to ensure that our schools operate in a healthy and safe manner. This plan will be presented to the board on Wednesday, July 29th at 4:00 p.m. For more information on what was presented to the board, please click on the following link.

GPS Reopening Guidance (Summary)

JULY 16, 2020

Results of the Community Survey: 

Parent/Community Survey Results(Spreadsheet)

Parent/Community Survey Results (Graphs)

JULY 16, 2020

From Monday, July 13, 2020 Board Meeting: 

PDF (w/ clickable links):


MAY 8, 2020


MAY 8, 2020


MAY 1, 2020

From Superintendent Schreibeis:

The GPS Board of Trustees met Wednesday night and unanimously approved the recommendation to continue online remote learning for the remainder of this school year. This is an intentional decision that puts the safety of our students and staff first and foremost. While our school campuses are closed, we have an obligation to ensure our students continue to receive quality education services through the remainder of the school year, with a focus on the delivery of instruction through distance learning and providing school meals to our students. If you currently have questions or concerns about your students’ progress, please take the time to contact your child’s teacher(s).

We recognize the closure of school campuses through the end of the school year brings about many questions. Please be watching for upcoming communication from your child’s principal and teacher(s) on how these last few weeks of the school year will be used to get assignments and work turned in, return textbooks and other school-owned items, and provide additional support that may be needed. More information will be coming out in the upcoming days.

I also want to acknowledge the extraordinary efforts of school staff to serve our students and families with continuity of learning, nutrition, and social/emotional supports during these unprecedented circumstances. We truly have an amazing staff, awesome students, and supportive community!



APRIL 15, 2020

Report Cards for K-8 are posted on Infinite Campus. Please just login to the parent portal, click on “Grades”, then click on “Q3.” We will not be sending report cards out in paper form.

Yesterday (4/14/20), we sent out emails (Subject: User Account Activation) to everyone to get set up with Infinite Campus. So if you are not set up in the Parent Portal yet, please check for that email. If you did not get an email, please take the following survey and we will get it to you.

If you have any questions about getting your account set up, please contact your child's school. Thank you!

DCHS: 377-5265; 

WMS: 377-2356; 

LES: 377-2308; 

 JES: 377-4155;



APRIL 14, 2020

GPS is trying to send out emails to all of our parents to help get them set up on Infinite Campus. Infinite Campus is a district-wide student information system designed to manage attendance, grades, schedules, assessments, lunch balances, and other information about our students at Glendive Public Schools.

We are sorry if you got multiple notifications. We had to send the messages out by each school. If you didn't receive an email, please check your spam folder.

Also, we did not have all of our parent's email, so if you did not get an email and would like us to have it, please fill out the following survey and we will get it into our system:

If you have any questions about getting your account set up, please contact your child's school. Thank you!

DCHS: 377-5265; 


LES: 377-2308; 

JES: 377-4155;



APRIL 4, 2020

Please read our Technology/Internet Letter for Parents.

Thank you for your patience and grace during this uncertain time.




APRIL 9, 2020

Please watch this video from Superintendent Schreibeis (2:46).

APRIL 2, 2020

We know that with the new shift to online learning, more families will have to use internet more than they ever have before. Glendive Public Schools is working on ways to help families out in this difficult time. We understand that some families do not have internet which makes it difficult to get the assignments done. Please click on the link below for some information that might help. We will continue to work on solutions to help both our students and staff.



MARCH 30, 2020

Please click on the link to be taken to a Frequently Asked Questions page for our GPS Distance Learning. It can also be accessed from our website. Thanks!


MARCH 26, 2020

2 Months Free Internet for new customers from MidRivers.


CoVid Assistance Flyer

MARCH 24, 2020

Facts About COVID-19


Facts sheet

MARCH 23, 2020

Please read our Distance Learning Letter for Parents. Thank you for your patience and grace during this uncertain time. Please be on the lookout for more information in the upcoming days.



MARCH 22, 2020

We have decided that postponing the Glendive Kindergarten screening scheduled for April 1 & 2 and the Child Find Screening scheduled for April 8 is in the best interest of the community at this time. We understand that families are anxious for kindergarten and we will reschedule as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding during this time. If you have questions, you may contact Val Damron (PK teacher) at or Caroline Coovert (JES Principal) at


MARCH 22, 2020

Just a reminder that our food service program is serving “grab-and-go” meals from 11 am to 1 pm each weekday for those enrolled students that need the meal. This program is an extension of our normal food service program (*same rates apply). Please remind your children to practice social distancing and to follow all of our guidelines:

Guidelines: The enrolled student or parent/guardian of the student must be present to take the grab-and-go meal. At that time, they must give their name and number to school staff. No one will be allowed inside the school. Bags will be distributed outside the door. For your protection, we are requiring everyone coming to pick up meals to practice social distancing (6 feet away from everyone). Please do not congregate when waiting for your turn. Please look for directions that will be posted.

Please remember: Meals may be picked up at the school nearest your home, or the following locations: DCHS North Cafeteria/Gym doors; WMS South Playground doors; LES South Kitchen Doors (by freezer); JES Front Foyer Doors.

MARCH 21, 2020

Great explanation of COVID-19.

MARCH 20, 2020

We know there is a lot of uncertainty with everything going on. We will be sending information out as soon as we are able. Please use one of the following methods to learn more about what is going on at Glendive Public Schools. If you have any questions about anything, please contact your student's principal.

FYI:Please do not contact us through Facebook or Facebook Messenger. We do not monitor these.

PDF: (clickable links)


MARCH 19, 2020

Video Update from Mr. Schreibeis 3-19-20

MARCH 18, 2020

To better help GPS serve your student(s), please take the following survey. This survey will help us gather vital information to better meet the needs of each individual child of our district. We would really appreciate it if you would take this as soon as possible. Thank you!


MARCH 18, 2020

Video by Superintendent Schreibeis

MARCH 16, 2020

DCHS has a number of upcoming events and activities that have been impacted by the COVID-19 virus (Prom, MHSA Sports, Driver's Ed, Graduation, etc.). Please check out the following link for the latest updates and information.

As always, if you have any questions about these or other events or activities, please contact Mr.Johnson at

MARCH 16, 2020

Grab-and-go lunch will be available from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. for all enrolled Glendive Public School students starting on Tuesday, March 17, 2020 (Monday - Friday). Meals may be picked up at the school nearest your home, or the following locations: DCHS North Cafeteria/Gym doors; WMS South Playground doors; LES South Kitchen Doors (by freezer); JES Front Foyer Doors. The enrolled student or parent/guardian of the student must be present to take the grab-and-go meal. At thattime, they must give their name and number to school staff. Nobody will be allowed inside the school. Bags will be distributed outside the door. For your protection, we are requiring everyone coming to pick up meals to practice social distancing (6 feet away from everyone). Please do not congregate when waiting for your turn. Please look for directions that will be posted.

Please be on the lookout for Breakfast coming soon. We are currently ordering and will start distributing as soon as we are able.

Upper view

Upper view

Upper view

Upper view

MARCH 15, 2020

Gov Bullock Cancels all K-12 Schools for the next 2 weeks. There will be no school tomorrow for JES, LES, WMS, and DCHS.

Please watch for more information from GPS over the next couple days. (Gov Bullock Press Release)

MARCH 14, 2020

Please Watch!

Video by Superintendent Schreibeis about the Coronavirus.

MARCH 14, 2020

GPS Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Response letter

PDF File: (clickable links)


MARCH 12, 2020

Letter from Glendive Public Schools

PDF File: (clickable links)
