We are stronger together

Glendive Public Schools believes in great communication. This page is dedicated to providing the information that is shared to our communities. This is done in a variety of ways, so we wanted to make a place that anyone can come to and get the information (just in case they miss it).

August 2023- May 2024

5/15/24 -Morning Digs with Dinodave

What we talked about:

  • Superstar of the week

    • School Nurses

      • Last Week was National School Nurses Day

      • We have amazing nurses that come and take care of everyone

      • We are so appreciative of all they do

    • Seniors

      • Today is the last day with Seniors - Graduation on Sunday

      • We are going to miss them

  • Purple Star Award

    • Elsie Arntzen (state superintendent) was here on Monday at our board meeting to present the Purple Star Award to Washington Middle School

    • The Purple Star School Designation recognizes schools that show a major commitment to students and families connected to our nation’s military.

    • It was a great honor to have her here recognizing the work that has gone into this.  

    • We have a lot to be proud of at WMS and in our district.

  • Quote of the week

    • “Flip it”

      • It is a concept of turning a positive into a negative

      • And sometimes you can’t do that with a situation, but you can turn your negative thoughts into positive thoughts.

      • There is always good around us, sometimes, we just need to look and focus on that

5/1/24 -Morning Digs with Dinodave

What we talked about:

  • Superstar of the week

    • Nationals Principals Day

      • Today is National Principal’s Day. We have 4 great principals who do so much for our schools.  It is not an easy job, but one that is very needed.  I appreciate working with each of them.  

      • If you see them, please wish them a great National Principal’s Day

    • School Lunch Hero Day (Thursday/Friday)

      • We have the best Food Service Staff.  They do so much for everyone and deserve to be celebrated.

      • Thank you for all you do!

  • Ballots are due Tuesday the 7th

    • If you are going to mail them, you need to mail them by tomorrow (Thursday) or you can just take them down to the Courthouse.

    • This is just for the Elementary district

    • Only asking for permission to purchase - we are not asking for the money

    • For more information, please go to our website, www.glendiveschools.com and click on the link at the top about “Proposed Land Info”

  • Quote of the week

    • “There is beauty in the Broken”

      • Kintsugi is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with lacquer dusted or mixed with powdered gold, silver, or platinum

      • It renders a new piece or newness in ones life.  It helps us accept our flaws.

      • It is a mindset.  We all have things that are broken in our lives.  Our job is to look at how we can put it back together but also view it as it was better than before.

4/24/24 -Morning Digs with Dinodave

What we talked about:

  • Superstar of the week

    • Bus Drivers and Aides

      • We are so appreciative of what they do.  They have a very difficult job.  They have to manage 2 classrooms while keeping them all safe driving down the road, all through a mirror in the front of the bus.  

      • Thank you for keeping our students safe while getting them to school!

    • Administrative Assistants

      • We are so appreciative of all that our Admin Assistants do.

      • They are the backbone of our schools and district office.  Without them, nothing would happen.  They keep everything running smoothly and efficiently.  

      • Thank you for all you do!

  • Community STEM Family Fun Night

    • Tuesday, April 30th (5:00 - 7:00 pm)

    • Volunteers still needed - contact Katy Kennedy at kennedyk@glendiveschools.org

    • Great time for the whole family

    • STEM - science, technology, engineering and mathematics

  • Quote of the week

    • “Our Greatest Challenge is our greatest opportunity to grow.”

      • Everyone has challenges we are facing.  Our job is to look at those challenges from a different lens.  How can we make this the greatest thing in my life regardless of how difficult and hard this is?

      • We all have that choice.  It is up to you how you deal with these challenging situations.

4/17/24 -Morning Digs with Dinodave

What we talked about:

  • Lacrosse

    • Huge success

    • Quote from the weekend: “The welcome and hospitality were second to none,” 

  • May Ballot

    • Land proposal will be on the ballot

    • Only asking for permission to purchase - we are not asking for the money

    • For more information, please go to our website, www.glendiveschools.com and click on the link at the top about “Proposed Land Info”

  • Superstar of the week

    • ELA Curriculum Team

      • Presented a k-12 curriculum

      • Spent 2 years working on this proposal

      • Amount of hours is amazing

  • Quote of the week

    • We all have 8 minutes.  Please reach out to people if you need it.  So many people that want to support.

4/10/24 -Morning Digs with Dinodave

What we talked about:

  • Superstar of the week

    • Librarians 

      • are unsung heroes in our educational communities

      • they serve as the guardians of knowledge and the facilitators of lifelong learning

      • their dedication to nurturing curiosity, providing access to a wealth of information, and supporting academic achievement is foundational to building informed, literate, and engaged communities 

      • they have a pivotal role in enriching lives and empowering individuals with the tools for success.

  • Graduation Rates

    • It starts with the Freshman Cohort - adjusted throughout years - number graduated divided by that number (people move in and out)

    • We have a transient population that will move in and out

    • We do our best to make sure that we keep our students in school and we will continue

  • Quote of the week

    • “Small Actions create great change.” - No matter what is going in our life and what we want to accomplish, everything starts with just one foot in front of the other. 

4/3/24 -Morning Digs with Dinodave

What we talked about:

  • Superstar of the week

    • Paraprofessionals - This week is Paraprofessional Appreciation week - whose dedication and hard work are the heartbeat of our classrooms and the foundation of our students' success.

    • Assistant Principal/Dean of Students - This week is Assistant Principal/Dean of Students Appreciation week - A big thank you for all the work John Larsen and Caleb Swanson do for our staff and District

  • School repairs going

    • Facilities - This is always an ongoing process.  We continue to have unexpected things happen.  Right now we are trying to figure out how to repair some water pipes at DCHS.  We are working through it right now, but every day we experience more issues.  

    • Bonds - We are getting close to being able to sell the bonds.  The information is now current on our website at www.glendiveschools.com.  You can go to Important Information or you can go down to news and look at the news article there.  More information will be added when we get it.

  • Quote of the week

    • “Transformation starts with me” - no matter what change we are trying to make or goals that we are trying to accomplish, everything starts with us.  We have to initiate the change before we can expect others to do it.

No Video (Audio didn't work)

3/27/24 -Morning Digs with Dinodave

What we talked about:

  • We need everyone’s help!

    • We have a ton of open positions and most likely more coming

      • Band Teacher (MS, HS)

      • Choir Teacher (MS, HS)

      • Mathematics Teacher (HS)

      • Reading Teacher (MS)

      • Kindergarten Teacher

      • Elementary Teachers - 3rd, 4th

      • Science Teacher

      • PE Teacher (Elem)

      • SpEd Teachers (Elem, MS, HS)

    • We are looking for anyone with ties to Glendive

      • We have found that when there is a tie to Glendive, people tend to stay here longer

    • What you can do?

      • Think if you know of anyone that is in education that you would love to have work here.

      • Reach out to them and get them in contact with us

      • Our website is the best place to get information: www.glendiveschools.com

  • Thank a Teacher

    • Our teachers do so much

    • Reach out to them and let them know that you appreciate them

3/20/24 -Morning Digs with Dinodave

What we talked about:

  • State Testing

    • We can absolutely improve in all the scores.

    • Snapshot in time

      • Test anxiety

      • Test taking skills sometimes more than standards

      • Some standards haven’t been taught yet

    • Formative vs Summative

    • Next year they are changing the state testing - MAST Pilot

    • This is one measure of all that we are doing

2/28/24 -Morning Digs with Dinodave

What we talked about:

  • Teacher Shortage

    • High Turnover Rates and Declining number of education graduates

    • We need to be encouraging people to go into the teaching profession - it is one of the greatest jobs in the world.  Teachers get to influence the next generation of leaders.

    • It is getting harder and hard to get teacher applications

    • Be on the lookout for how the community can help us bring great people into our school system

2/21/24 -Morning Digs with Dinodave

What we talked about:

  • Student Enrollment

    • Different ways that schools are funded: 

      • Basic Entitlement - minimum level of funding

      • ANB - Average Number Belonging - students in seats

      • Supplemented by local taxes 

    • We are down from the fall but one less than last spring

    • We don’t feel the trend is going to continue

2/14/24 -Morning Digs with Dinodave

What we talked about:

  • Student Behavior

    • NCES (National Center for Education Statistics) reported that COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted student behavior and socio-emotional development with 84-87% of public schools observing a negative impact on both of these.  

    • Student behavior has been one of the causes of teacher burnout and the teaching shortage.

    • It is really difficult as an educator but also one of the greatest jobs in the world as they get to make a difference in the lives of the students and help raise the next generation.

    • Teacher Turnover has reached its highest point in at least five years

    • Districts are struggling to find teachers and administrators - Great Falls only had 2 applicants for their open Superintendent search

    • We need to be encouraging people to go into the teaching profession.

2/7/24 -Morning Digs with Dinodave

What we talked about:

  • Staffing

    • Time of year when we start looking for people

    • Gone are the times where people stay for long periods of time - unless they have a tie

    • If people know of anyone, reach out to them

    • We appreciate and are grateful for all the teachers that we do have that are making a difference

    • https://www.glendiveschools.com/page/current-openings

1/31/24 -Morning Digs with Dinodave

What we talked about:

  • MAST State Testing Pilot

    • New Assessment from the state (2nd year of Pilot)

    • Trying to replace Smarter Balance (summative assessment)

    • The idea is to have data that teachers can use to help students - we don’t get data from summative until the next school year

    • Time will tell how this will all turn out

    • Right now about 50% of the state is doing it.  Next year 100% 3-8 will have to do this

    • 5 Testing windows throughout the year

    • Information went out to parents (3-8)

1/24/24 - Morning Digs with Dinodave

What we talked about:

  • Threats

    • Last week - we did not get a threat to our schools

    • Explosive Threats throughout Montana - none were found

    • Swatting - last year

    • We will work with law enforcement

    • Always a tight timeline

    • Safety is utmost priority

  • Winter Conditions

    • We will have school unless you hear something from us

    • Some want us to cancel, others don’t

    • We believe it should be up to the parents to decide - individual family decision

    • If we feel it is too unsafe for anyone, then we will look at a late start, early out, or canceling school all together

  • Emergency procedures

    • Phone, text, website, app, email

    • Make sure you have the right information with the schools 

    • Just call and talk to your child’s school to make sure

1/10/24 - Radio Show with Paul

What we talked about:

  • Brawl of the East

    • Wrestling and BB here tomorrow

  • Winter is here

    • Temperatures - each school is a little different

      • Website - Emergency Info

    • Call the school to make sure you are set up for notifications

  • 4-day week update

1/3/24 - Radio Show with Paul

What we talked about:

  • K-8 - End of the Quarter is on Jan 11th

  • Upcoming Sports

  • AI - Effects on Education

12/6/23 - Radio Show with Paul

What we talked about:

  • Only 2 weeks before Christmas Break

  • Christmas Programs

    • Last night was the JES concert

    • Thursday is the LES concert

    • Next Tuesday the 12th is DCHS’s concert

    • Next Thursday the 14th is WMS’s concert

  • End of the Semester

    • DCHS - Dec 20th

    • JES, LES, WMS - Jan 11th

  • Ending 2023 strong

    • Word for the year Perseverance

    • Gary Blair said this, “You didn’t come this far to only come this far. Dig Deep, Finish Strong and make yourself proud.”

    • “I’m not telling you it’s going to be easy — I’m telling you it’s going to be worth it.” — Art Williams

11/29/23 - Radio Show with Paul

What we talked about:

  • Winter Sports

    • Starting this weekend

  • 4 Fridays before Christmas

  • Time of Year

    • Exciting time, but Rough time of the year in schools (students and staff)

    • There are so many hurting people

    • Holidays are tough for people

    • Be there for each other

  • Resources

  • Communication

    • Call Students school to make sure information is updated

    • Moving to just a 2 stop shop for information - GPS app and Infinite Campus

11/22/23 - Radio Show with Paul

What we talked about:

  • LES

    • A huge thank you to the GPS Staff, the DCC Athletes, and our Community for helping us move in.

    • We have a long way to go, but it is nice to have them finally set and being used.

  • Thanksgiving Break

    • Early out today with Thursday and Friday off

    • A Happy Thanksgiving to everyone

    • I am extremely grateful for the people in this community that continue to give and try and make Glendive a better place for everyone.

    • John F. Kennedy said, “We must find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives.”

11/15/23 - Radio Show with Paul

What we talked about:

  • Winter Sports

    • Starts Thursday 11/16/23

  • Thanksgiving Week

    • Wed - Early Out 

    • Thurs/Fri - No School

  • Rooms

    • Excited to be rolling out a new communication tool for our Coaches

    • Just download our app

    • Once we have it ready, you will see it in your app - Toggle

    • With anything new, it will take some time to get used to for everyone

    • Would have liked to have got it rolled out sooner, but 

  • LES Update

    • Getting closer

    • Ton of work left to do

    • Moving into them on Friday

11/8/23 - Radio Show with Paul

What we talked about:

  • VB State

    • Thursday at 2pm

  • Emergency Protocols

    • What we use: 

      • Infinite Campus

      • GPS App

      • Website

      • Text

      • Phone

    • If you didn’t get a message from us, you need to update your information on Infinite Campus

      • Can do that on the IC app

      • Can call your child’s school and they can update it for you

      • If you can’t get on, please contact your child’s school and they can help you

11/1/23 - Radio Show with Paul

What we talked about:

  • Parent Teacher Conferences

    • Thursday, November 2nd from 2pm to 8pm

    • No School on Friday

  • LES Modulars

    • They are here and being setup

    • We are hoping they will be setup by Friday

    • Then we have to get a ton of work done and start moving things in

    • The heating plan for the 1909 part of the building has been going well

10/25/23 - Radio Show with Paul

What we talked about:

10/18/23 - Radio Show with Paul

What we talked about:

  • October PIR Days

    • No School Thursday or Friday - Early out Wednesday

    • Teachers are improving their craft

  • Been a rough start to the year mentally for our staff

    • So much going on, so much change

    • I have to keep reminding myself and everyone else

      • Through Tough Times comes the Greatest opportunity to grow

      • Learning comes from mistakes - what we need to instill in our students

      • Word for the year is Perseverance - Definition: persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.

      • We have to keep moving forward - There is always another side even if it doesn’t feel that way

      • John Maxwell - “Everything Worthwhile is Uphill”

      • You are meant to be where you are otherwise, you wouldn’t be there

10/11/23 - Radio Show with Paul

What we talked about:

  • LES Modulars

    • Transition Plan

    • Coordination - lots of moving pieces

    • Miracles - many done, many to still happen

    • Moving Plan - this week

10/4/23 - Radio Show with Paul

What we talked about:

9/27/23 - Radio Show with Paul

What we talked about:

  • Homecoming Week

    • Many activities for everyone

    • Homecoming is this week

  • Drive 4UR School - American Ford

    • Today - 7:30 to 5:30

    • Up to $6,000 can be earned for the DCHS Athletic Program

9/20/23 - Radio Show with Paul

What we talked about:

  • Superintendent’s Conference

    • Just got back

    • Reviewing all the new laws

    • Staffing is an issue throughout the state, even in AA schools (Teachers, Paras, Custodians, Bus Drivers)

    • Great Falls has hired 250 teachers in the last 3 years

    • Education is in a tough situation and it is only going to get worse unfortunately

9/13/23 - Radio Show with Paul

What we talked about:

  • Communication

    • Lowest Level - Contact the employee

    • Everyone is doing the best they can - We only know what we know

    • Think about if you were them, how would you want others to treat you

    • Employee - then Principal

    • Will be sent to the lowest level

    • We all want the same thing

    • Chain of command

  • Homecoming

    • Week of the 25th

    • FB vs Laurel - 29th

    • VB vs Park - 30th

9/6/23 - Radio Show with Paul

What we talked about:

  • Sports

    • Big win against Miles City

    • Golf, Cross Country, and Volleyball here in Glendive this week

  • LES Update

    • Closed on the loans a couple weeks ago

    • Almost all done with the heating and cooling done in the 1952 part of the building

    • Modulars are still on schedule

    • Working hard to have as little of a disruption as possible

    • Will need our community's help

  • Vaping 

    • Having a rise in Vaping in DCHS and WMS

    • Smells like candy - Highlighters that work can be Vaping Pens

    • Parents need to be aware - more info will be coming from the district

8/30/23 - Radio Show with Paul

What we talked about:

  • Extracurriculars

  • 4 day school week

  • No School Friday and Monday

    • Friday School will start Sept 8th

8/16/23 - Marcy in the Morning Radio Show

What we talked about:

  • First Full Week

    • PIR Day Friday

    • Sports starting - FB here against BC, Volleyball and Fergus, JV Volleyball here Saturday, CC and GO out of town

  • Extracurriculars

    • We are unfortunately raising participation fees, season passes, etc.

    • COVID really changed things - bad gift that keeps on giving

    • No money came in that year and the price of everything from supplies, motel rooms, gas, etc. just keep going up

    • We have tried to keep them down, but we just can’t anymore

    • We were negative last year - 

    • Like having a savings account that you pay things out of - you don’t want to dip into your saving because that is for emergencies.  You want to have revenues and expenses equal not dip into your savings.  

    • We are doing things in all areas to save so it isn’t a huge burden, but it won’t be enough so we will need to look at fundraising as well

    • Many school districts just pay out of their general fund, but for us that doesn’t work because this is how it has been for as long as I know.  To do that now puts a huge burden on the general fund that we didn’t have before

    • Eligibility rules changed as well - going to be following MHSA rules with a little modification - will make things more equitable

  • Employment

    • www.glendiveschools.com - Employment Opportunities - Click to Apply

    • Still need Paraprofessionals, Bus Drivers, Substitutes, Custodians, Cook Assistants

    • Just need a HS diploma

    • Call 377-2555 (Superintendent’s Office) for help with anything

8/16/23 - Marcy in the Morning Radio Show (With Paul Sturlaugson)

What we talked about:

  • Start of the school year

    • Today is the first day for Kinder, 3rd, 6th, and 9th grade students

    • We love our transition day as it helps the student get used to the new building without all the distractions of the other kids - been very successful

    • First day for everyone else tomorrow

    • First full week next week

  • Bonds

    • Grateful to our community

    • We don’t take this lightly

8/9/23 - Marcy in the Morning Radio Show

What we talked about:

  • Vote Results

    • Bond and Levy Passed

    • Bond - about 61% yes

    • Levy - about 63% yes

    • About 30% more people voted than in May

    • We don’t take this support lightly.  With every good thing comes more responsibility.

    • This was the first of a series of miracles that have to happen this year for GPS.  

    • This was a team effort.  Glendive is a great place to live.  Glendive will continue to be a great place to live and the more we come work together, the better it will be.  We truly are stronger together.

    • 1967 last time bond passed - 56 years

  • Board Meeting last week

    • Approved loan resolutions

    • Closing date on August 15th

  • Word for the Year: Perseverance

    • It's a reminder that despite the tough times that may lie ahead, we are committed to moving forward with unwavering determination. 

  • LES Update

    • Electrical and Heating in the 1952 part of the building - getting installed

    • Modulars are being built

    • Got many things figured out - we are still working on some

8/7/23 - Marcy in the Morning Radio Show

What we talked about:

  • Start of School

    • 14th first day back for certified and classified staff

    • 16th first day back for Kinder, 3rd, 6th, and 9th graders

    • 17th - First day for everyone else

    • Excited for the new school year - great to start something new (hope)

    • If you need to register your kids, go to our website or call the individual schools

  • Bond and Levy

    • All ballots must be turned in by tomorrow at 8pm (August 8th) 

    • Postmarked won’t work

    • Everyone needs to go vote - make your voice heard

    • If you haven’t registered to vote, you can go down to the Clerk and Recorder’s office and register and get your ballot

    • 18 to 54 - Less than 30% voted last time

    • 55 and up - Over 60% voted last time

  • Sports

    • Tonight at 6:30 (7th) - Fall Activities Parents Meeting

    • 1st day of practice for HS starts at the end of this week

    • Tomorrow at 7pm at DCHS - Activity Workers meeting

  • Hiring

    • Accounts Payable/Payroll Specialist, Administrative Assistant to Superintendent, Custodians, Paraprofessionals, Cook Assistants, Bus Drivers/Aides

    • Go to the website (www.glendiveschools.org) to see the full list